Gulf Oak Ridge Trail

Gulf Oak Ridge Trail

Quick Facts

Trail Length

1.6 Miles

Trail Surface

Paved Hills

Shade Level

Full Shade

Animals To Look For:

Deer, Armadillo, Rabbits

ENCOUNTER...the magnificent canopies of ancient mossy oaks atop the Islands highest bluff, 34 feet above sea level, while twisting and turning along the mystical trail of the Gulf Oak Ridge. Embrace nature’s element of surprise peaking around the bend when you approach the Overlook. Be sure to pause for a moment of silence and soak in the majestic view of the picturesque valley below.

As one of the last remaining maritime forest communities along coastal Alabama, this treasure is a preserve for many of the area’s native wildlife and serves as a lifeline for millions of migratory birds, providing essential food and shelter. Designated as a stop on the Alabama Coastal Birding Trail registry, the park is considered excellent for bird watching and is especially spectacular during the spring and fall migration.

This trail features Restrooms, a Water Fountain, and a Wooden Bridge.

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